The conference will begin on the evening of Wednesday
5th January with two tutorial lectures aimed particularly, but by no
means exclusively, at graduate students. On Thursday and Friday the
meeting will involve the traditional mix of invited lectures together
with both oral and poster contributions. We would like to encourage all
participants - especially
graduate students and postdocs - to submit titles for presentations
(particularly the 20 minute oral contributions). We will do our best to
accommodate as many contributions into the conference programme as
A more detailed timetable will be available in due course.
The deadline for registration is Friday 26th
PCCP will be sponsoring a poster prize for postgraduate students and the RSC has provided a travel grant which will be used to provide
bursaries for postgraduate students.
Please note that the meeting will finish at 3 pm on
Friday 7th. This is slightly earlier than in previous years due to the
greater distance that some participants will have to travel in order to
return home.
Our guest speakers for SDG2011 are:
Prof. Andrew Orr-Ewing (University of Bristol)
"Cavity enhanced methods for absorption
Dr Helen Margolis
(National Physical
“Spectroscopic applications of femtosecond optical frequency combs”
Prof. Dr Jochen Küpper
(Center for Free
Electron Laser Science, DESY, Hamburg)
"Manipulating the motion of large
Dr Hazel Cox
(University of Sussex)
“Excited states of metal-ligand
complexes using TDDFT”
Dr Stuart Mackenzie
(University of
“Spectroscopy and dynamics of
isolated size-selected metal clusters”
Dr Neil Hunt
(University of Strathclyde)
“Ultrafast multidimensional
infrared spectroscopy - method and applications”
Local organisers:
Dr Dave Townsend, School of Engineering & Physical Sciences (Physics),
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS
Dr Matt Costen, School
of Engineering & Physical Sciences (Chemistry), Heriot-Watt University,
Edinburgh, EH14 4AS